
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

The Farrells of Donegal: And Associated Families

Good news folks - Sam Hanna's book about the Donegal O'Farrell's has at last been published. Entitled The Farrells of Donegal: And Associated Families, you can buy it online at ... and

Below is the foreword to the book and a synopsis of the chapters. It would make a great Christmas gift to yourself!!
Maurice Gleeson 
Dec 2018

Sam Hanna’s book on the (O) Farrells/Ferrells spans an incredible 1,400 years, set in the context of the political, social and economic landscape of Ireland. To explain the origin of the Donegal O’Farrells, he goes back to the Early Christian era c.655, and identifies an eponymous ancestor among the Cenél Conaill called Firghil who was related to Colum Cille. To dispel any doubt about the antiquity of the name, he cites references in manuscripts such as the ‘Annals of the Four Masters’in 1087, the ‘Annals of Connaught’ in 1014 and the ‘Book of Fenagh’ in c.950.

The main focus of the book is on the Farrells in the post-Plantation period, in particular in the barony of Tirhugh in southeast Donegal from c.1626/7. It was in this region that the family came to prominence, securing land leases and forming marriage alliances. As leaseholders on the Hamilton and Conolly estates around Ballyshannon and Donegal Town, they acquired some status by the eighteenth century; they were not only “strong farmers” but they had all the trappings of gentry, playing prominent roles in the church, land management and business.

The book is more than a history of one family. In a lucid and flowing style, Sam Hanna charts the social and political history of west Ulster, including the barony of Tirhugh, incorporating the Rising of 1641, the bitter antagonism between Orangemen and Ribbonmen, the impact of emigration and the relationship between landlords and tenants. He has employed the traditional tools of the genealogist and historian – wills, maps, leases, army lists, hearth money rolls, and church records. Using a comprehensive range of tables, maps and flow charts, he has identified significant Farrells in other parts of Ulster, which he has included in a database, thus providing the groundwork for further study.

The author has also presented new methods of research using modern technology. His use of DNA evidence has opened up challenging avenues for genealogists across the globe, thus creating an international dimension, far beyond Tirhugh. As the study of family history has expanded into a popular growth industry of the digital era, this monumental study will provide a welcome template for genealogists everywhere. As a classical piece of research and a model of historical analysis and methodology, there is no doubt that Sam Hanna’s book stands as the “gold standard” in relation to the study of family history. He has raised the bar in the demanding discipline of family research and historians are universally grateful to him for his magnificent achievement.

Dr Seán Beattie, Editor, Donegal Annual Culdaff, Co. Donegal, Ireland
January 2018

Chapter one seeks to trace the evolution of the Uí Fhearghail/(O) Farrells in two of their earliest points of origin – contemporary Longford and Donegal, from the end of the first millennium to the early modern era. The origin of the Farrells in southeast Donegal – closely associated with the seventeenth century Plantation – is proposed.

The second chapter places the seventeenth century Plantation of Ulster into historical context, with a particular focus on the area relevant to Farrell involvement – Donegal, west Tyrone and the city of Derry/Londonderry. The following two chapters present a database of Donegal Farrells for the same period, and outline their participation in contemporary events.

Chapter five endeavours to collate west Ulster Farrell records for the eighteenth century, and proposes the original nucleus in the barony of Tirhugh from which the Farrells subsequently expanded. It attempts to understand the decline of Farrell fortunes – although numerically successful, from an extended family with considerable position and influence in the seventeenth century, to that of mostly undertenants by the end of the eighteenth.

The following chapter proposes a classification of Tirhugh Farrells and outlines their evolution during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. A comprehensive database of eighteenth century Tirhugh Farrells is presented. The ensuing detailed discussion of the use of DNA testing to investigate Farrell origins is complemented by a comprehensive analysis of the results.

Subsequent chapters feature the early genealogical details of each of the Tirhugh Farrell dynasties – Original, Rossnowlagh, Ballybulgan, Legnanornoge, Ballydermot, Ballintra and Virginia. Many descendants are traced from the eighteenth century to the present day, with insights given into the lives of some individuals. In addition, some of the salient aspects of southeast Donegal’s political, social, and physical landscapes during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are featured. The final chapter summarises the main findings of the work and makes suggestions for further research.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

FTDNA Thanksgiving Sale

There are some incredible discounts in the current FTDNA Sale which lasts from now until Nov 22nd. And there will probably be a Christmas Sale after that. So now is the time to start thinking about getting that upgrade or that extra kit.

Below are the sale prices and they are the lowest I have ever seen.
Y37 for just $99 ...
Family Finder for just $49 ...
and $100-140 off Big Y upgrades.

This feels more like Crazy Eddie's Second Hand Car Deals!

If you have any questions about your own particular situation, just drop me an email.

Maurice Gleeson
Nov 2018

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Update on Farrell Group 4 (Nov 2018)

Some new results have come in for Farrell Group 4 since the last update in Dec 2017. You will see from the diagrams below that in December of last year there were only 5 people with SNP results. That number has now increased to 9:
  • Member BD-6155 did the FGC5494 SNP Pack
  • 3 members completed Big Y testing (JF-7935, JGF-9768, HF-1095)
Farrell Group 4 (R1b-GF4) in Dec 2017
Farrell Group 4 (R1b-GF4) in Nov 2018

So what do these new results tell us?

Firstly, many more people have SNP data and this allows us to place this group further downstream on the Tree of Mankind (by "downstream" I mean closer to the present day). Three of the four members who have done the Big Y test now all sit on the downstream branch characterised by the SNP marker called BY163677 (Farrell, Farrell & Ferrell). The fourth one sits on the branch above this - BY59055 (Farris).

And this could be a very interesting and important distinction. It appears to separate out the Farris branch from the Farrell / Ferrell branch - something we have been trying to do for quite a while. Ideally another Farris should do the Big Y in order to confirm this distinction and to identify downstream sub-branches on the Farris part of the tree.

FTDNA's version of the Tree has BY163677 branching off from BY59055

Thus, combining the data from FTDNA & The Big Tree, we can define the revised SNP Progression for this group as follows (the SNP Progression is simply the series of SNP markers that characterise each branch of the Tree of Mankind from the upstream branches to the downstream branch on which the Group 4 Farrell's sit):
  • R-P312/S116 > Z290 > L21/S145 > DF13 > FGC5494 > FGC5561 > FGC7448 > FGC5496 > FGC5521 > Y18844 > Y18846 > BY10339 > BY33481 > BY59055  > BY163677

The main SNP markers (in bold) are highlighted by yellow dots and underlined in red in The Big Tree diagram below. Note that the morphology of The Big Tree is slightly different to FTDNA's version and does not distinguish between BY163677 & BY59055 (i.e. it thinks they are the same). This will change when the two remaining Big Y testers from Group 4 upload their data to The Big Tree.

As described in the update I gave at the Farrell Clan Gathering in June (see video here from 11:45), this branch of the Tree of Mankind is fairly isolated from other branches. The nearest genetic neighbours to Group 4 (two men called Janssen & Virtue respectively) are connected by a common ancestor some 2300 years ago. So this is a very rare branch of the human evolutionary tree.

Group 4 Farrell's on the Tree of Mankind
(click to enlarge)

We can calculate crude dates (and I mean very crude indeed) for when these various branching points arose:
  • DF13, FGC5494, FGC5496 ... 4300 years old (from YFULL)
  • FGC5521 ... 4200 years old (from YFULL)
  • BY10339 ... 3500 years old (from YFULL)
  • BY33481 ... 3100 years ago (crude calculation from The Big Tree)
  • BY59055 ... 2300 years ago (crude calculation from The Big Tree)
  • BY163677 ... some time in the past 1000 years?? 
  • Common Ancestor of two Big Y Farrell's ... about 200-300 years ago (+/-200 years ... yes, very crude indeed)

If everyone did the Big Y test, then we would probably find that most of the group members sit on the branch of the tree characterised by the SNP marker BY59055 (or the branch below it - BY163677). The reason why the people who did the SNP Packs sit higher up the tree than the Big Y testers is because the SNP Packs do not test for as many downstream SNP markers as the Big Y. But if the SNP Pack testers did the Big Y, I would guess that most of them would also sit on the BY59055 branch.

Only two of the four Big Y testers have uploaded their results to the Big Tree. It is essential that the others do so too - instructions here. Doing so will likely split up the BY59055 / BY163677 SNP Block (it contains 23 SNPs) into several downstream sub-branches, and will look more like the branching structure depicted in the FTDNA tree, thus potentially splitting the Farris branch from the Farrell branch.

I will post a further update when the two remaining Big Y test results have been uploaded to The Big Tree.

Maurice Gleeson
1 Nov 2018

Update 26 Nov 2018

Two more of the 4 Big Y testers have uploaded their data to the Big Tree. Alex Williamson has now analysed the data and the morphology of the tree has changed accordingly.

This is what it used to look like (on the left) compared to what it looks like now (on the right):

The updated Big Tree (on the right) - the large SNP Block below BY59055 has been split

The first thing to note is that the large block of 23 SNPs (headed by BY59055) has now been split in two, and then in two again.

  • there is now a 21-SNP block from which all the 4 group members descend
  • below this, there are two branches:
    • the first is a Farris (167989) all on his own 
    • the second is a 3-SNP block starting with BY164250, and an additional two branches emerge from this:
      • a single Ferrell (369768)
      • a branch characterised by the SNP BY178261, on which two Farrell's sit (631095 & 467935)
We can also estimate some crude dates for when the various branches split apart (and I emphasise these are crude - the actual dates could be +/- 200 years on either side of these estimates). Allowing for 100 years per SNP, and assuming the year of birth of all people who tested is about 1950, the following crude approximations are obtained.

Crude date estimates for the various branching points in Farrell Group 4

So, what do we learn from these new results?
  • the Farrell's of Group 4 still sit on a relatively isolated branch of the Tree of Mankind with their nearest genetic neighbours being related some 2300 years ago
  • the Farris individual appears to split off from the rest of the group about 1600 AD
  • The Farrell's in this sample appear to be related by a common ancestor born about 1400 AD
  • We might get a slightly better estimate of the dating of the branching points if we were to rerun the SAPP Programme, taking these new SNP data into account. And that is something that can be done in due course.
  • FTDNA have changed the names of the terminal SNPs to reflect these new developments.

Maurice Gleeson
26 Nov 2018

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Current status update (video from Clan Gathering July 2018)

The Farrell Clan Gathering was held in Longford from 16th-20th July 2018 and on the Friday, I gave an update on the current status. You can watch this long presentation (almost 2 hours) on YouTube where it is in two parts:

Alternatively you can watch the videos embedded below. To see them in full screen view, you simply click on the video and then the square icon in the bottom right of the video.

The presentation contains the following sections and you can jump ahead to the relvant section by simply moving the red circle along to the appropriate position on the timeline at the bottom of the video:

  • The Farrell name in historical context ... 0:08:50
  • Overview of DNA for genealogy ... 0:21:15
  • Overview of the Farrell DNA Project ... 0:41:10
  • The DNA Results for each genetic group:
    • Results for Group 1 ... 1:01:00
    • Results for Group 2 ... 1:10:00
    • Results for Group 3 ... Part 2 - 0:09:05
    • Results for Group 4 ... Part 2 - 0:11:45
    • Results for Group 5 ... Part 2 - 0:19:15
    • Results for Group 6 ... Part 2 - 0:21:45
    • Results for Group 7 ... Part 2 - 0:24:10
    • Results for Group 8 ... Part 2 - 0:26:00
    • Results for Group 9 ... Part 2 - 0:27:05
    • Results for Group 10-15 ... Part 2 - 0:29:00

Maurice Gleeson
Oct 2018

Friday, 13 July 2018

Update on Group 1 (R1b-GF1)

Group 1 of the Farrell DNA Project consists of 10 members. The dominant surname variant is Farley, although the variant Farler appears twice among the group members.

Group 1 members of the Farrell DNA Project
(Key:  BY, Big Y;  SS, Single SNP test)

Chance Matches & Surname Switches
There are several non-Farrell names within the group - Ambrose, Jarrett, Eaves. These could either be  Chance Matches (due to Convergence) or they could be the result of a Surname or DNA Switch (i.e. they are Farley's by DNA, but with a non-Farley surname). This could result from a recent event such as a secret adoption (for example) or it could be due to a distant event, such as a young Farley widow remarrying and her children taking the name of the second husband - thus the Farley Y-DNA of her first husband becomes associated with the surname of her second husband.

Where are they from?
Three of the group members have MDKAs (Most Distant Known Ancestors) from Virginia, and two others have ancestors who go back to the southern US states (Georgia & Tennessee), so it is likely that the name arose in or around Virginia. In fact, the second oldest pedigree goes back to Virginia in the 1600s.

Prior to Virginia, there is a suggestion that the name came from England (according to the oldest pedigree). This would be in keeping with what is know about the Farley surname from surname dictionaries, such as the extract below.

Apparently the surname Farley is an Anglo-Saxon name derived from at least four locations within the UK named Farleigh (or similar). Thus, one would expect a variety of different genetic signatures to be associated with the name as it arose in several different locations independently. The surname translates as "fern-covered clearing".

Note that there is mention of a Thomas & Jane Farley arriving in Virginia in 1623 on board a ship called the "Ann".

The Farley name in surname dictionaries

How old is the group?
There are several ways to determine the age of the group (i.e. for how long have they been carrying their surname). Using genealogical data supplied, the oldest pedigree goes back to 1560, suggesting that they have been carrying the surname since the 1500s at least.

Using the FTDNA's TiP Report tool for the two most distant members of the group (based on their Genetic Distance) gives a midpoint estimate for the TMRCA (Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor) of 6 generations (with a 90% range of 2-12 gens). This equates to a MRCA born in 1770 and a range of 1590-1890 ... this is not consistent with what we know from the genealogies and serves to show how inexact these TMRCA estimates can be. Caution is therefore advised when interpreting them.

In all likelihood the name has been around for a long time prior to 1500 but as yet no one from "the old country" has tested and provided a genetic link back to England.

Where do they sit on the Tree of Mankind?
Placing a group on the Tree of Mankind (Y-Haplotree) can help determine how old the group is. And by assessing their nearest genetic neighbours, we may get clues as to where they came from.

One of the group has done the Big Y test and his "current terminal SNP" is BY71827. Two Farley's share this particular SNP and no one else in the database (the other Farley man is not a member of the project). This suggests that this particular SNP may represent a SNP marker that is specific for men called Farley.

Here is the SNP Progression for this group (i.e. the SNP markers that characterise each branching point in the Tree down to where the Group 1 Farley's currently sit):

  • R-U106/S21 > Z2265 > Z381/S263 > Z301/S499 > S1688 > U198> S15627 > DF89> Y5975> JFS0027 > JFS0028 > JFS0284 > JFS0285 > BY71827

Group 1 Farley's on the Big Tree
Group 1 Farley's on FTDNA's version of the Haplotree 

We can use SNP data to help date how old each branching point is in the Tree down to where the Farley's of Group 1 currently sit. Unfortunately, the further downstream along this branch, the fewer datapoints we have to work with, and the more inexact the estimate becomes. And currently it does not give us much of a clue as to the age of the presumed Farley-specific SNP BY71827.

In fact, the upstream SNP JFS0027 appears to be only a few hundred years old. This suggests that there may have been a Surname or DNA Switch (SDS) along this direct male line sometime since the introduction of surnames some 1000 years ago or so. The question is: which came first? The Ferrari chicken or the Farley egg?

Crude dates of each branching point in the SNP Progression

Nearest Neighbour Analysis
From the Big Tree diagram above, and the FTDNA-derived diagram below that, the nearest neighbours to the Farley's are Ferrari, Barbour, Burgess, Saunders, and Taylor. A Nearest Neighbour Analysis using Surname Distribution Maps for these surnames (see below) do not suggest a particular location for the Farley surname.

So for now, the presumed origin of the Farley surname in England has yet to be defined.

This genetic group is dominated by the surname Farley. The group members are all / mostly based in the US and probably represent the descendants of a colonial family who arrived in Virginia or thereabouts some time in the 1600s. The name probably came from England prior to that, in accordance with surname dictionary accounts and the limited pedigree information for this group.

Next Steps
  1. This particular group needs more members to join it
  2. MDKA information should be entered by all members in their profile
  3. Pedigrees should be posted on the Post Your Pedigree page
  4. Group members should share their pedigrees amongst themselves and try to find out where the various pedigrees connect
  5. Additional Big Y test would be informative
  6. All members should join the U-198 Haplogroup Project to assist future research into their origins

Maurice Gleeson
July 2018