
Saturday, 21 May 2016

The Origins of R1b-GF2 (Part 1) - some new members

Several new members have joined R1b-GF2 in the recent past. In fact, it is the fastest growing group within the project. The results of these new members and some recent correspondence with other Project Administrators have thrown new light on this genetic group and where they came from. There is a lot of information to digest so I have spread it across several separate articles and this one is the first.

Here is a brief summary of the results for each of the new members. An in depth explanation of the methodology used to arrive at these results can be gleaned from previous postsAnd for those unfamiliar with some of the abbreviations used in this article, please see the Glossary at the end for an explanation of the various terms.

PSF-1784, Farrell (MDKA Philadelphia)


This member has a documented paper trail which shows a relationship to members AAF-2101 and GMF-9744 whose profiles are described in a previous post. Here is a descendancy list of their relationships. PSF-1784 and GMF-9744 are third cousins, and AAF-2101 is their 2nd cousin once removed.

1. Patrick FARRELL d 7/31/1779; m 10/1/1750 Alice BURK
  2. Francis FARRELL - b.1753 Philadelphia PA; d.1825 Chatham Co. NC; m ?Edith Fields, Chatham Co. North Carolina, US
    3. John Wesley FARRELL - b.1798 Chatham Co. NC; d.1870; m. Mary Polly Neal, Chatham Co., North Carolina US
      4. John Thompson FARRELL (5 MAY 1823- 26 FEB 1883) Chatham Co. NC; m Mary Jane Foushee (1 Nov 1840 - 11 Jun 1902) Chatham, NC
        5. Paul Thompson FARRELL (13 Jun 1876 - 10 May 1961) Chatham, NC; m Maggie Davis Perry (15 Jan 1833 - 19 Sep 1938) born Chatham NC died in Durham, NC
          6. AAF (kit AAF-2101)
          6. HPF
            7. MEF (kit manager)
      4. William Younger FARRELL b 1835 Chatham Co. NC; d bed 1890 Chatham Co. NC; m 7/13/1856 Rebecca BLAND Chatham, NC
        5. Andrew Jackson FARRELL b 6/24/1860, d 10/24/1924, m 6/30/1889 Lucy Belle CHARLES
          6. Charles Anderson FARRELL b 7/9/1893, d <50, m 2/25/1921 Anne Particia MCKAUGHAN
            7. PF (kit PSF-1784)
              8. JF (kit JBF-6156)
          6. Frankie Bernice FARRELL b 1901, d 1985; m Raymond WALSER
            7. JLW
              8. CP
      4. George W. FARRELL - b.1845 Chatham Co. NC, d.1899 Chatham Co. NC, m. Martha G. Thomas, Chatham Co., North Carolina
        5. George Monroe FARRELL, Sr. - b.1883 Chatham Co. NC, d. 1960 Orange Co. NC, m. Vennie Elizabeth Honeycutt
          6. George Monroe FARRELL, Jr. - b.1917 Halifax Co. NC, d. Roanoke Rapids NC, m.Ruth Lee Haley
            7. GMF (kit GMF-9744) - terminal SNP FGC20561
          6. MF (kit MF-7196)
            7. CDMC (kit CDMC-8019)

STR marker profile
  • At 37 markers, he has 3 matches: 2 Farrell's, namely his son (JBF-6156) & 3rd cousin (member GMF-9744)
  • At 25 markers, he has 44 matches: 2 Farrell's (as above) and 11 Harrell's, 1 Herell & 2 Herrell's
  • GD analysis to others in the Farrell project - all his closest matches are in R1b-GF2 with a GD ranging from 3/37 (GMF-9744) to 10/37.
  • TMRCA - the common ancestor with his closest match (GMF-9744) is estimated to have been born about 8 generations ago (90% range 3 to 18) = 240 years (range 90-540) = 1710 (range 1410-1860). We know from documentary research that the common ancestor was John Wesley Farrell born about 1798, so although the TMRCA is within the range of estimates it is not "spot on". A more accurate estimate might be obtained if both men tested to 67 or 111 markers.
SNP marker profile
  • His allocated SNP is R-M269. 
  • Analysis of the terminal SNPs of his matches suggests that his terminal SNP is likely to be FGC20561. His 3rd cousin (GMF-9744) recently did the Z253 SNP Pack test and his terminal SNP is FGC20561.

JBF-6156, Farrell (MDKA Philadelphia)

JBF-6156 is the son of PSF-1784. His STR marker profile demonstrates a GD of 1/37 to his father - he has a single mutation at marker dys576 (his value is 17, his father's is 18, like the majority of members of R1b-GF2). HIs SNP profile is the same as his father's.

BIF-6145, Farrell (MDKA Tipperary)


His MDKA is William J. Farrell born c.1847, Tipperary, Ireland

STR marker profile
  • At 67 markers: 17 matches with several from R1b-GF2 (Ramey, Kelley) & 1 Harrell
  • At 37 markers: 1 match (no Farrell)
  • At 25 markers: 50 matches (no Farrell, 1 Harrell)
  • GD analysis to others in the Farrell project - all his closest matches are in R1b-GF2 with a GD ranging from 6-10/67 and 6-10/37.
  • TMRCA - the common ancestor with his closest match (GD 6/67) was born about 12 generations ago (90% range 6 to 23) = 360 years (range 180-690) = 1590 AD (range 1260 - 1770).
SNP marker profile
  • His terminal SNP is R-P312 (based on the Deep Clade R test from 2008). 
  • Analysis of the terminal SNPs of his matches suggests the following SNP marker progression: R … > M269 > L150 > L23 > L51 > L151 > P311 > P312 > L21 > DF13 > ZZ10 > Z253 > S847 > S844 > S856 > S845 > S846 > Z17685 > FGC20561 or FGC20562

LF-7099, Farrell (MDKA ???)


His MDKA is Cornelius J. Farrell b.1861. No birth location is given.

STR marker profile
  • At 37 markers: 3 matches (1 Farley)
  • At 25 markers: 274 matches (1 Farley, 4 Farrell, 4 Ferrell, 20 Harrell, 1 Herell, 2 Herrell, & two other members of GF2: Ramey & Kelley)
  • GD analysis to others in the Farrell project - all his closest matches are in R1b-GF2 with a GD ranging from 4-10/37.
  • TMRCA - the common ancestor with his closest match was born about 10 generations ago (90% range 4-21) = 300 years (range 120-630) = 1650 AD (range 1320 to 1830).
SNP marker profile
  • His allocated SNP is R-M269
  • Analysis of the terminal SNPs of his matches suggests the following SNP marker progression: R- … M269 … P312 > L21 > DF13 > ZZ10 > Z253 > FGC13898 > S856 … and then one of the branches below this level, possibly FGC20561 (most likely), FGC20562, or FGC20563.
  • There may be some Convergence present due to the large number of matches at 25 markers and some of his matches' SNPs appearing on distant branches (FGC5494, Z29706, S7015, DF103, DF23, BY3495)

BF-5362, Farrell (MDKA ???)


His MDKA not currently not given.

STR marker profile
  • At 37 markers: 10 matches (no Farrell's or variants)
  • At 25 markers: 91 matches (1 Ferrell, 14 Harrell, 1 Herell, 2 Herrell, & one other member of GF2: Ramey)
  • GD analysis to others in the Farrell project - all his closest matches are in R1b-GF2 with a GD ranging from 5-10/37.
  • TMRCA - the common ancestor with his closest Farrell match was born about 14 generations ago (90% range 6->24) = 420 years (range 180->720) = 1530 AD (range <1230 to 1770).
SNP marker profile
  • His allocated SNP is R-M269.
  • His SNP analysis also suggests a terminal SNP of FGC20561, both at 37 markers and 25 markers.
  • There is some evidence of Convergence at 25 markers with single SNP matches including FGC5494 & Z2545.

JWH-3189, Harrell (MDKA ???)


His MDKA is Martin Harrell, b. 1775 and d. 1826. No birth location is given.

STR marker profile
  • At 37 markers: 81 matches (1 Farley, 3 Farrell, 3 Ferrell, 14 Harrell, 1 Herell, 1 Herrell, and the 2 GF2 members Kelley & Ramey)
  • At 25 markers: 290 matches
  • GD analysis to others in the Farrell project - all his closest matches are in R1b-GF2 with GD varying from 0/37 to 6/37.
  • TMRCA - the common ancestor with his closest match was born about 2 generations ago (range 0-7) = 60 years (0-210) = 1890 (range 1760-1950)
SNP marker profile
  • His terminal SNP is R-FGC20561 (determined by single SNP testing)
  • Analysis of the terminal SNPs of his matches suggests the following SNP marker progression: R … > M269 > L150 > L23 > L51 > L151 > P311 > P312 > L21 > DF13 > ZZ10 > Z253 > S847 > S844 > S856 > S845 > S846 > Z17685 > FGC20561 (x5) or FGC20562 (x2) ... or possibly even > S845 > L1308 > FGC20563 (x1)
  • His most likely terminal SNP appears to be FGC20561. Surnames of his 5 matches with this terminal SNP include: Harrell, Farrell, Kelley, Cain, & Fegan, so there is no evidence that the results are skewed by an over-representation of members from a particular surname project. The surnames of the two FGC20562 matches are: Gilchrist & Bankston
  • YFULL gives an age estimate for the slightly upstream SNP S845 as: 1900 ybp (i.e. about 100 AD)
  • There is some evidence of Convergence, particularly more downstream, suggested by the large number of matches at 25 markers, and some of his matches' SNPs appearing on adjacent branches (FGC5494, DF103, BY3495, L1308, FGC20563, L2 & Z2545). Of the 33 SNPs tested below the upstream SNP L21, at least 7 of these 33 (21%) are likely to be on adjacent branches to this member's branch. This gives us a very crude estimate of the degree of Convergence among his 25-marker matches i.e. 21%.

JMR-8902, Ramey (MDKA Virginia)


This new member has a very well documented genealogy that points to his MDKA being possibly Jacob HARRELL (b1710-1720, Virginia) but definitely Reuben HARRELL born in 1750 in Frederick County, Virgnia. He died September 02, 1825 in Washington County, VA. He married REBECCA SMITH Abt. 1770 in Frederick County, VA. She was born Bet. 1744 – 1749 in Frederick County, VA, and died March 12, 1842 in Prestonsburg, Floyd County, KY. There is good evidence that their son Robert HARRELL (born 1815; aka R. Harril) was the biological father of Thaddeus Ramey 1815-1890 (his mother  was Mary "Polly" Ramey) and thus there was an NPE (Non-Paternity Event) in this particular family line i.e. Harrell DNA became associated with the Ramey family name. There is a brief account of this on the website of the Harrell Collaborative (and a subsequent post here).

1. Jacob HARRELL b c1710-1720 VA; m Martha CALFEE
  2. Reuben HARRELL b 1750 Frederick Co., Virginia; d 2 SEP 1825 Washington Co., VA; m Rebecca SMITH  (c1744-1842)
    3. Robert HARRELL b c1786-1791 Montgomery (now Wythe) Co., VA; d 1874 in Johnson County, Kentucky; liaison with Mary "Polly" RAMEY (c1798-1880+)
      4. Thaddeus RAMEY b 2 JAN 1815 Floyd County, Kentucky; d 18 JUL 1890 Hood Creek, Lawrence County, Kentucky; m Elizabeth CALDWELL
           5. Samuel K RAMEY b 1839 Lawrence Co., Kentucky; m Elizabeth Jane CORDLE
             6. Amos E. RAMEY b 1878 Lawrence Co., Kentucky; m Mary LOAR
               7. JSR b 1908; m ALS
                 8. JMR-8902

STR marker profile
  • At 67 markers: 89 matches (1 Farley, 5 Farrell, 1 Ferrell, 1 Harrell, and the GF2 member Kelley)
  • At 37 markers: 82 matches (1 Farley, 3 Farrell, 3 Ferrell, 15 Harrell, 1 Herell, 1 Herrell, and the GF2 member Kelley)
  • At 25 markers: 285 matches (1 Farley, 9 Farrell, 4 Ferrell, 24 Harrell, 2 Herrell, and the GF2 member Kelley)
  • GD analysis to others in the Farrell project - all his closest matches are in R1b-GF2 with GDs of 3-6/67, and 0-6/37
  • TMRCA - the common ancestor with his closest Farrell/Harrell match was born about 7 generations ago (90% range 2-14) = 210 years (range 60-420) = 1740 (range 1530 to 1890)
SNP marker profile
  • His terminal SNP is R-FGC20561 (determined via the Z253 SNP Pack)
  • Analysis of the terminal SNPs of his matches suggests a similar SNP marker progression to the one described above for -3189. The most likely terminal SNP based on his 67 marker matches is FGC20561 (x4) or FGC20562 (x2); and based on his 37 marker results, it is FGC20561 (x3); and based on his 25 marker results, it is FGC20561 (x5), FGC20562 (x2); and FGC20563 (x1). 
  • There is similar evidence of Convergence as that described above for kit JWH-3189, with a crude estimate of 21% for the amount of Convergence seen among his matches at the 25 marker level.


So what have we learned?

The Genetic Distance analysis (comparing each new member to others in the Farrell Project) supports the grouping of these new members into R1b-GF2 as all their closest Farrell Project matches belong to this particular group. The analysis of the terminal SNPs of their matches all point to the Z253 branch of the haplotree, and the terminal SNP FGC20561 in particular as the most likely terminal SNP. This is further supported by the results of the Z253 SNP Pack test which was undertaken by member GMF-9744 ... these showed that he was positive for the SNP FGC20561 making this the likely current terminal SNP for the rest of R1b-GF2. This is illustrated in the diagram below.

The totality of this data demonstrates a lot of internal consistency within the group, further justifying the grouping of these people together.

During the course of this analysis, it became apparent that there were other possible members of R1b-GF2 who are currently in the Ungrouped section. The next article will discuss these particular individuals.

It has also recently become apparent that R1b-GF2 has some close neighbours with different surnames (Kelley, Ramey, Harrell) that throws new light on the ancestral origins of this group. This too will be discussed in subsequent posts.

The Z253 SNP Pack test revealed positive results for the SNPs indicated by yellow circles. This strongly suggests that FGC20561 is the current terminal SNP for R1b-GF2. Whether it is unique to the Farrell surname remains to be seen.


  • MDKA, Most Distant Known Ancestor
  • ID numbers consist of the initials of the person tested plus the last 4 digits of their kit number
  • SNPs and STRs are the two different types of DNA marker (SNP, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism; STR, Short Tandem Repeat)
  • GD, Genetic Distance
  • R1b-GF2 is the 5th group within the project and is split into R1b-GF2a and R1b-GF2b, representing a "core group" who are more closely related (R1b-GF2a) and a "peripheral group" who are more distantly related to the core group and to each other.

Maurice Gleeson 
May 2016


  1. This info sounds very hopeful and interesting with regard to finding Farrell DNA in North Carolina. Maybe i will find my Farrell family connection?

    1. I feel we are getting close to finding out the ancestral homeland of this particular group within the Farrell project. One of the Big Questions is: which of the groups within the project possess the genetic signature of most Farrell's alive today, and the way the project is going, this particular group (R1b-GF2) currently looks like a prime candidate.

  2. Hi Maurice,

    Commenting mainly so I'll get notified of updates on "R1b-GF2" as you learn more and develop theories on origin. My guess would be County Longford, but that's speculative. Yorke does have some documentation back to southern County Longford (I could look up the town, if that helps).

    1. Hi Art, nice to hear from you.

      You are certainly on the right track. In a future blog I will be looking at the surnames of the close neighbours in this group and if that gives us clues as to where in Ireland this particular Farrell group came from.

      And yes, please do dig out that information on the Yorke surname - it sounds like it could be very useful indeed. I'll also be exploring the potential relationship between the Farrell surname and those other surnames in Alex's tree - Christie, Hazleton, Roderick, Murta & Tompkins. And there are other neighbouring surnames too ...

    2. Maurice - we have a Cornelius Farrell (1866) in our tree, son of Christopher Farrell (1827), and grandson of James Farrell (unknown birth). As I described in a separate e-mail, I believe that this family originated in Castlepollard Parish, County Westmeath. This is the northernmost tip of Westmeath County between Longford County and Meath County.
